I know we all have a fav when it comes to social media. I have a little bit of everything but master of none. Sometimes it’s hard to keep them all going at once, that’s why I like to focus more on my blog. But I would like to keep up with all of you on your different platforms. I like seeing what you are up to as well so I’m going put my information below. Find me or send me your info and I’ll go on and follow you if we are not already connected. Either way, I’d like to nose around in your world for a while.😉
Instagram and Facebook: beautyshopdropout
Love all the pics and seeing what you are up to on there
Twitter: beautyshopdrop
New to the scene but figuring it out
SnapChat: taraleighb77
Easiest for me to use and I put more of my photos on there. Disclaimer: I’m not always an angel here. 😂