Let’s get you all up to speed, shall we?
In March and April I had a battery of tests ran. Beginning with a routine mammogram. It came back abnormal from my previous year’s test. Back and forth from test to test and office visit to office visit, I eventually had a biopsy and the results came back benign. Crisis averted. In March and April when all of this is going on, I was phasing out my clientele, in anticipation of our upcoming travel plans. I was in contract negotiations to sell the salon, in anticipation of our upcoming travel plans. I was preparing my home for a tenant, in anticipation of our upcoming travel plans.
I’ve always thought to myself, I know how I would react to “fill in the blank.” If “fill in the blank” happened to me I would “fill in the blank.” Listen friends, until you are put in that position, your mortality (or the uncertainty thereof), you can not fill in that blank. After taking a long, hard look at all the what-ifs, my fill in the blank changed drastically.
Thankful I phased my clients out to focus on the cards that lie in front of me, some decisions became clear to me. I needed the salon for residual income. The ability to make passive income was something I could not turn down with the uncertainty that lie ahead. With the rental of my home, the same decision was put in front of me and I chose the passive income as well in that respect. All along, both of those decisions were to have polar opposite outcomes, but my fill in the blank happened. And I could not fill in the blank.
Moving forward, I am scheduled for another MRI in November. Rob and I will continue to work on our home to improve it for our tenant. Continue to work on the salon to get it where it needs to be so we can leave the state permanently knowing it’s exactly what we want it to be. And whatever other random things we are responsible for to make the most of our time until November.
Our dream was put on hold for the time being. I have to believe everything happens for a reason. For whatever reason, this is where I am. And I embrace it. What other choice do I have?
Now that seriousities (I just made that word up, because I can) are over, let me introduce you to my blog. You are here. In the most badassery (spell check said no to that one too, you know what spell check? I do what I want.) corner of the internet. My corner. Not like that kinda corner though. I am not that kinda gal. On my piece of internet real estate I’m going to build an empire. One where G Money will wish he blogged first. But he didn’t. Because I did. I am that kinda gal.
I’ve been asked to blog about our travels. Be careful what you ask for people. I will deliver. I’ve got stories for days. And now that I’ve got my corner…G Money, baby.