I know I had to bore the pants off of some of you in the beginning the last post. As for the others of you, I had to bore the underwear off of you because you weren’t wearing pants, you filthy animals. Anywho, I’m going to put the boring stuff at the bottom this time and get straight into today’s story.
The most common response to our story of life on the road is “Wait…what? But why?” Like clockwork. And I’m sure a lot of you out there are asking the same thing. Well, your wait is over! I’m going to tell you how Rob and I came to choose this lifestyle. And let’s be honest, I’m certain at the end you will still think we are crazy. So, let’s take it from the top, shall we?
Most of you know that neither Rob nor I, have children. And probably for good reason, have you met either of us? For the 2 of us being in a new relationship, it was fun to think about the what ifs of parenthood. However we quickly learned that it was even more fun to think about what we were going to do with our early retirement instead. Indiana was never our end game and so the planning began on what we were going to do with the rest of our lives. We tossed around all kinds of things, living off the grid, self sustaining homes, traveling to all 4 corners of the Earth, you name it, we dreamed it. Until one day we got a tiny, little surprise that changed the way we looked at life. A positive pregnancy test. Didn’t see that one coming, did you? Me either. Our plans did not include diapers and a college fund but it really was fun to think about, and lose your hair stand by strand worrying about it. The prospect of being 40 and 45 and first time parents was terrifying and exciting at the same time. So, back to the drawing board of what our life was going to look like. We planned and replanned and planned again of what in the hell we were going to do with a newborn in this whirlwind we were caught up in. Doctors visits, test after test, pepper in a specialist here and there and we were off to the races. Or so we thought…
We got the news that something may be amiss when the hormone numbers started falling. We got confirmation of what has been the outcome of many times before. My listening skills are just as terrible with my own health as they are with Roxy’s. And again, this is why I have a Rob. Not to repeat myself but, if you don’t have a Rob, you all have GOT to get you one of these! He listens to doctory stuff and gives you a full report when your brain finally stops racing around enough to remember basic functions. He takes care of the hard parts of life when my anxiety threw in the towel rounds ago. Go get you one! They are great!
At first I thought, well isn’t this life fun to think about? Then as I turned page after page in this book, I thought, we can actually do this. This could actually be our lives. Living small, traveling to nowhere and everywhere at the same time, being rootless is who we wanted to be without knowing that’s what we wanted. We are over 6 months into this journey and I have not looked back for who I was in my former life. I miss the friendships and the adventures I made in Indiana and I wouldn’t trade it for anything that it took to put us on this journey we now get to call life.
So the next time someone says you’re crazy for “fill in the blank,” tell them to suck it and follow your dream. This is your life made your way, so go out and give them something to talk about. Or at least let them ask “Wait…what? But why?” So you can tell your story to the world too.