Here’s a different story than you are used to or maybe even expecting. I’m going to tell you a little tale about those gals at the salon that I have gotten to spend some time with before I hit the open road. They hold down the fort when I’m away and do a damn good job of it. Now you may not be able to take them out in public, but they run a mean salon. On with the story….
Rob and I told the Indiana weather to suck and egg and off we went into the wild blue yonder. We are currently in Roswell, New Mexico and well, as you can imagine, I’m still up to no good.
Before we left, I wanted to get the four of us together to celebrate Christmas and thank them for all they do. I took them to my favorite restaurant in Indiana knowing these 3 will never take the time to treat themselves to a fancy meal and good wine. Sheila and Kim were patiently waiting at a table close to the door and with Mel in tow, I arrived late to the party as usual. (Notice the theme with my time management skills?) I sat down at the table admiring the little motley crew we have become while they decided on wine and an appetizer.
In anticipation of the arrival of the mushroom toast, we readied the table. We passed one plate at a time around the table and I was shuffling menus out of the way as Sheila’s arm reaches across me and she deposits a chewed piece of gum on the edge the table. My eyes widened as I slowly turn to her for an immediate explanation of as to what in the fu-hell was going on. She is engaged in a conversation with Mel about said piece of gum, as if this happens on a daily basis with those 2. I look diagonally across the table and Kim is just as confused as I am and she immediately grabs her handbag in true mom fashion and fishes out an expired coupon. She reaches over and picks up the prechewed gum, wads it up in the paper and quickly puts it back in her purse. IN HER PURSE! Now I have just about reached my limit on gasps for the entire month, and I don’t gasp. I thought “Who are these people?” And “Why are they at MY table?” Kim and I were looking at each other and then at Mel and Sheila, still waiting on that explanation. We found the answer as Mel sat patiently, hands folded staring at the little blue smear on her plate, the remnants of the same gum that was sitting on the table and that is now in Kim’s purse. IN HER PURSE!
As Sheila handed out the plates like the diligent little classroom leader she is, the gum was sandwiched in between two of them, and then stuck to her finger. Let’s all be thankful this happened to Sheila and not me, I’m not entirely crazy about strange people, let alone their gum. In my hand. We each recounted our version of the story over the course of the entire meal. At least twice. Well the wine told the story the second time. And the third. And we laughed harder each time.
Now I didn’t write the name of this particular establishment for good reason. We all have bad days and none of us are perfect. Including me. Now I know, I know that’s hard to believe. But just ask Mary the day I lost my eyeglasses, quickly found them and almost started cutting her hair before I realized they were my SUNGLASSES! Shit happens and we move on. But if you’re ever in Fortville, Indiana and are looking for an amazing place to eat, I’ll share this little gem with you, send me a message.
SHAMELESS PLUG TIME: If you think you or someone you know would be a good fit for the chemistry we have going for us at Flair, we have 2 booths available. We are looking for the perfect duo to round us out and make the salon complete. You just have to be willing to hide the body.